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KBIF .60 seconds spot advertising schedules your radio spots to air through out the day or at specific times of the hour to reach our general audience of Hmong listeners. It is an affordable way to get your products and services heard to get leads and sales. KBIF spot production includes script writing with ideas from the client and Hmong language translations.

We have package rates available for longer terms of 3 or more months. Please contact our sales reps for current package pricing.

Below is the time slots where you can your spots aired.


Morning Drive 7am - 10am

Afternoon Drive 10am - 4pm

Generation X 4pm - 6pm

Evening News 7pm - 8pm

Late night 8pm - 10pm

Late Late Night 10pm -12md



Select Sales Person
Your Organization/ Business Name
First Name
Last Name
Your Email
Phone (Optional)
Captcha (Type the text in the box above)




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